Senin, 01 September 2008

Tune Up 2008

Salah satu program pendukung untuk meningkatkan performance PC yang telah terpercaya dan mudah dalam pengoperasiannya yaitu dengan mengklik sekali saja.Memiliki Fasilitas-Fasilitas antara lain :
  1. Powerful hard drive defragmentation
  2. Optimum start-up, Internet, and Windows acceleration
  3. Quick and extensive clean-up for hard drives
  4. Effective elimination of junk data
  5. Fully-automatic clean-up and improvement of your PC
  6. Extensive clean-up of the registry
  7. Effective help in solving standard Windows problems
  8. Secure data recovery and data elimination
  9. Simple custom Windows configuration
  10. Individual Windows styling

dapat di :

Spesial Thx to Majahattan

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